Austin Beers & Network Gear

The pandemic cut off one of our best sources for qualified and engaged leads: trade shows. As director of marketing at Uplogix, one of my best resources were our deeply experienced sales engineers that not only knew our products, but could talk at depth with network admins from any vertical. Getting them in front of a prospect for a demo nearly guaranteed a follow-up meeting requested by the prospect.

So when the shows dried up, I tried to recreate that conversation on video. I set up our small booth demo table (that I built in my garage!) with a $100 Amazon light kit in our office, and we unmasked for some Q&A with an expert targeted at specific feature for each episode. But something was missing. Beer.

Above: Whet your whistle while you work with a nice Pecan Porter…

You have to know your audience, and most networking industry shows include afternoon beer crawls to keep spirits up and conversations flowing. After years of shows and thousands of discussions in addition to beer, I knew that most everyone seems to have a really positive impression of Austin, Texas. So, the idea was born — we’d combine some friendly conversation in a demo of whiz-bang network management automation with a quick intro and enjoyment of an Austin beer.

With nobody working in the office, there was plenty of space for the set.

The series was promoted through marketing emails, on our YouTube channel, and as meeting follow-ups from Sales to give prospects a way to share feature demos with their peers and buying groups.

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