Emailing an audience with no time for email

Everyone gets too much email these days. We’ve all become experts at inbox speed deletion. Tricks like putting the receiver’s name into the subject line just isn’t enough. You have to be clever and on-point for what the audience cares about.

In the hundreds of thousands of emails I created for Uplogix I was able to prove a few things:

  1. Network admins will open emails on occasion, and they’ll click through if they see value in the topic and occasionally a freebie of some sort for doing an online demo.

  2. If you consistently provide good content, they won’t unsubscribe.

  3. Even if they all use the same network gear to run enterprise networks, they think of themselves as a fill-in-industry-here network admin. So you need to make sure you speak to the challenges of their industry and how you can make their day better.

    For example, the compliance issues of an admin in an electric grid company deals with NERC-CIP issues that really aren’t that different from the issues of an admin in a hospital chain trying to check boxes for HIPAA compliance. The same product solves both their issues, but they want to know you are a product for their industry.

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